Steph Herold


Steph Herold, MPH is an award-winning activist and social scientist with a background in abortion care, abortion funds, and reproductive health advocacy. She has a background managing a staff of five, serving as a sought-after public speaker to national news media, overseeing organizational leadership, fundraising, and development, and designing and evaluating programs. She has experience in multidisciplinary research design and implementation, and ten years of experience in the reproductive health, rights, and justice field, including in direct service settings and board governance. She has intermediate Spanish skills and Master of Public Health from Columbia University. Steph’s writing has been featured in The Nation, Rewire, Jezebel, and Our Bodies, Ourselves. Steph is a recognized expert on abortion access, appearing in various media outlets including the Melissa Harris-Perry Show. Campus Progress named Steph one of the top 15 young feminists and Time magazine profiled her abortion rights activism in January 2013. She currently serves on the Advisory Board of ReproAction. Past Board experience includes serving on the Board of Directors of the New York Abortion Access Fund for three years, the Steering Committee of the International Network for the Reduction of Abortion Discrimination and Stigma for two years, and on the ACCESS: Women’s Health Justice Board of Directors for one year.