
As associate director of state and local policy for Prosperity Now, Lauren Bealore leads the national work of advancing Prosperity Now’s policy development at the state and local level to support championing economic opportunity to build power for all communities. In this role, Bealore has specific policy expertise that includes financial security, business & entrepreneurship, housing, workers rights, and consumer protection. Bealore‘s experience in the fields of policy and advocacy has allotted her a career that spans across the areas of political strategy, policy implementation and civic engagement. Bealore has provided policy expertise and helped to bridge the gap between government affairs and advocacy for some of the strongest voices within the political landscape on key issue areas including voting rights, environmental justice, paid leave, tax reform, and zoning reform. Further using her voice for change agency, in 2020 Bealore was appointed as a state advisory board member alongside several state and national leaders including Stacey Abrams and former Secretary John Kerry for Climate Power to push for a new accountability era around climate action and environmental justice.

Throughout the continuation of Bealore’s career, she has made strides in leadership in democracy policy, environmental policy, and economic policy; being one of few Black women to have worked statewide and nationally in multiple policy areas of expertise.

Bealore graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Arts in social relations and policy from James Madison College, and New England College with a Master of Arts in public policy. Bealore also serves on several nonprofit boards and committees including Williams Franklin Foundation, National Women’s Political Caucus VA, and Women in Housing and Finance. Bealore’s voice has been included in over 100 media features including CNBC, Forbes, POLITICO, NBC News, Comcast Newsmakers, News One, NowThis, and Newsweek.

General - Dillon Rule, Home Rule, preemption
Housing - homeownership retention, housing innovations, down payment assistance programs, accessory dwelling units, rent stabilization, zoning, land banks
Financial Security - baby bonds, guaranteed income
Tax - earned income tax credit, child tax credit, tax code reform
Consumer Protection - debt reduction, taxation on student loans
Workers Rights - minimum wage increase, tipped wages, paid leave
Democracy - voting rights, elections, redistricting