Ann Kansfield



Rev. Ann Kansfield work at Greenpoint includes worship, evangelism, theology, improving the church building, public and community relations, and fundraising. She loves God and enjoys people. No joke, she’s a hyper-extrovert. Rev. Kansfield holds a BA (with honors) from Columbia University and an MDiv from New Brunswick Theological Seminary (summa cum laude). She maintains that the four-week long bartending course she took in college really taught her how to be a pastor. Her first foray into sharing the gospel occurred at the age of four when, without asking permission, Ann rode her Big Wheel around the neighborhood, inviting everyone to Easter worship, followed by dinner at her parent’s house. Her parents were surprised to learn about all this on the Saturday evening before Easter, but it all worked out okay. In the spring of 2015, Rev. Kansfield fulfilled a long-time dream when Commissioner Daniel Nigro swore her in as an FDNY chaplain.